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To be able to create and manage appointments and calendars (as well as use all of the many numerous FREE tools offered by Google) you must first have a Google account. If you already have a GMAIL account that you are satisfied with, feel free to proceed to the next step of creating a Calendar. Here we will demonstrate and perform the steps necessary to create a Google account (commonly known as a GMAIL account) either with or without a phone number.
- To create a Google account, start by going to https://accounts.google.com/signup. Enter your first name and last name in boxes A and B as shown in Figure 1 followed by the username that you would like to use for your new Gmail account as shown in box C. You will have to select an unused email address or you will receive an error.
- Next, enter a password that you will remember in box D. Enter that password again in box E to confirm. The "Show Password" checkbox (highlighted in green) is helpful if you're not a great typist but is not recommended if you are creating an account in a public place. Click on Next and you will be presented with the screen as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1
- You'll now have the option to enter your cell phone number. If you do, Google will send you a verification code. Click on Next. You can enter it here once you receive the verification code on your cell phone. Once you've entered it, click Verify. You now have the option to add a recovery e-mail address. Enter your date of birth and gender. Once you've done that you can click Next.
- You can add another phone number to your account if you want to. And then you can choose various personalization settings. Here you would have to confirm your personalization settings and cookies, so review those carefully.

Figure 2
- Once you've read that, click on confirm, then carefully read through the privacy and terms as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3
- If you agree, your account, email, and profile will be set up in Google as shown in Figure 4. and you can add privacy and personalization settings.
- If you click on the grid of dots on the right-hand side corner, you'll have access to the entire Google Suite, including Google Calendar, Google Sheets, Google Mail, YouTube, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Photos, and much more.

Figure 4